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The Luke Bartolo Show's Official Website is a secure, safe, and reliable website. Any information that the user (you) upload, enter, submit, or send through the website will automatically be collected. All inappropriate messages will be filtered and reported. Even if the submission area is powered by Google, JotForm, DocuSign, etc, it is still managed The Luke Bartolo Show's Official Website. This includes links in the website that are connected to external forms. This Privacy Policy does not apply to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, or any other social platform that the show is on. Linked here are the YouTube Community Guidelines, which is the rule-book for posting comments and chats. If a user has or has not read this policy, it applies to all users.

The Luke Bartolo Show is not responsible for any words, photos, or any item that a user uploads to the website. Users who upload content that the webmaster classifies as "inappropriate" will have action taken against them. 


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